Baptist Hospital Earns National Recognition for Lowering C-section Rates

PENSACOLA, Fla. (Nov. 6, 2019) – Baptist Hospital is one of only 19 hospitals in the state of Florida to achieve the federal Healthy People 2020 Maternal and Child Health goal of reducing Cesarean section (C-section) rates for first-time mothers with low-risk pregnancies. The announcement was made by the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) and the Florida Department of Health.
According to the AHCA, Florida has a total of 303 hospitals; 114 of those deliver babies. “We are honored to be recognized as one of only 19 Florida delivery hospitals to achieve the federal Healthy People 2020 Maternal and Child Health goal for low-risk pregnancies with a primary C-section rate at or below 23.9%. This important recognition serves as evidence of the commitment of our medical staff and clinical teams to optimal outcomes for mothers and babies,” said Scott Raynes, executive vice president, Baptist Health Care.
According to Florida Surgeon General Scott A. Rivkees, M.D., reducing the ratio of C-sections is an important step in lowering rates of premature births and maternal deaths.